
Face and Neck Ultherapy

Face and Neck Ultherapy services in Houston, TX

Face and Neck Ultherapy

Are you bothered by lines, wrinkles, and tissue laxity on your face or neck? At Texas Ultherapy in Houston, Texas, Malini Kumar, MD, and her exceptional team provide Ultherapy procedures to tighten treated tissues without pain, downtime, incisions, or surgery. Schedule an evaluation by phone or request one online today to learn more about this cutting-edge treatment.

Face and Neck Ultherapy Q & A

What is face and neck Ultherapy?

Face and neck Ultherapy involves treatments that use ultrasound energy to tighten the skin in those areas. Texas Ultherapy also offers body Ultherapy to treat just about any area of your body containing lines, wrinkles, or loose skin.

The practice specializes in the Ferrer Facelift Technique, a patent-pending procedure that requires less time and no pain compared with other skin tightening procedures.

What are the advantages of face and neck Ultherapy?

The benefits you can expect by choosing face and neck Ultherapy at Texas Ultherapy include:

  • Fewer lines and wrinkles
  • Lifted, tighter skin
  • Smoother, healthier tissues
  • Younger-looking appearance
  • Greater self-confidence
  • Reduced double chin
  • Less skin laxity
  • Increased collagen and elastin production

There isn’t any downtime, pain, risks, or incisions needed. The treatment is safe, FDA-approved, and long-lasting.

Is face and neck Ultherapy right for me?

To determine if you’re a candidate for face, neck, or body Ultherapy, your provider discusses your goals, examines your skin, and reviews your medical history. The treatment is FDA-cleared to tighten lax skin under your chin and on your brows, face, neck, and body. Your specialist tailors a treatment that’s best suited to your expectations.

What happens during face and neck Ultherapy?

During the treatment, your specialist cleans your skin and applies a special gel. They use a handheld device on your skin to emit ultrasound energy into deep tissue layers without affecting the surrounding areas. 

You might feel a slight tingling or warming sensation during your treatment, which could last 30-60 minutes or longer, depending on the size of the treatment areas.

What can I expect after treatment?

After you undergo face and neck Ultherapy, the treated areas are typically flushed, red, swollen, or tender for a short time. You can resume a typical daily routine immediately after the procedure because there’s no downtime needed.

You gradually begin to notice smoother, tighter, healthier skin during the next few weeks and months, and the results often last a year. Schedule repeat treatments whenever needed to achieve long-lasting results.

Call today to schedule face and neck Ultherapy sessions at Texas Ultherapy, or use the online booking feature to take advantage of this remarkable service.